Board of Management 2023-2027
Board of Management 2023-2027
Ms Fionnghuala King, Chairperson, Patron's Nominee
Fr Shane Costello, Patron's Nominee
Mrs. Emma Stenson, Treasurer, Parents' Nominee
Mr. Joseph Carty, Principal, Secretary to the Board
Mr. Harry Barrett, Teachers' Nominee
Mr Shane Bourke, Parents' Nominee
Ms Sarah Enright, Community Nominee
Ms Fionnuala Byrne, Health & Safety Officer, Community Nominee
The work of the Board of Management during its tenure has included:
1. Preparation of school accounts and financial diligence as per Financial Support Services Unit guidance
2. Preparation and submission of a Major Capital Works application to the Department of Education and Skills and oversight o other minor works on the school campus
3. Contributions during the Department of Education and Skills’ Whole School Evaluation (WSE) process (2016)
4. Staffing appointments for teaching and ancillary posts
5. Ratification of school policy documents e.g. Child Safeguarding Statement, Data Protection Policy etc.
6. Collaboration with staff and the Parents’ Association on matters of mutual concern
7. Upholding the ethos (‘characteristic spirit’) of the school according to the schedule for Catholic schools.
8. Consideration of school Numeracy and Literacy achievement, pupil attendance statistics and child protection matters (as reported by the Designated Liaison Person)
9. Preparation for GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) as it applies to Castlebar PS.
Agreed Reports from Board of Management Meetings